“We are all standing on a hill outside our house and pink and white flower garden. Jackie is on the road at the bottom of the hill and she’s laughing and waving goodbye. She pulls away in the red convertible car, the wind in her long, black hair with a wide blue ribbon under her chin holding her big floppy straw hat on. She’s incredible. So strong; so independent; so fearless to defend herself. She can make it on her own. And she’ll know how to do everything herself. She will see all kinds of new things and she’ll be in awe of what is out there – everything is pretty.” This is the story of Anne dealing with what she found was incest, and her illness as she wrote out conversations she had with the many different parts within her. This is a story of survival, of persevering through the most difficult of times; times when Anne could not function and found herself idealizing suicide, which seemed to be the only answer to take away the pain. But healing is possible, as Barbara shares so well in her fascinating and compelling book.